
Ever wish you could change the past? Because if you could, you change who you are now and what’s possible for you in the future. This isn’t science fiction. Who we believe ourselves to be and what we’re capable of is not about events of our past, but how we respond to those events. Every […]

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Doubling down

One winter in college I was visiting Paris, sitting at the bistro near my hotel just watching people. An American couple came in and the husband, in an accent I would best describe as “Chicago detective” (the word “Paris” came out sounding like “Pears”), called the waiter and tried to get “Two diet cokes”. The […]

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The happy nomad

Since I started writing on UnboundedLife, I’ve given a thought a lot to what freedom is and what it means in the context of human nature. One theme that I’ve come back to repeatedly is mobility; designing a life from a purposeful future, versus living out an extension of the past. It’s a lofty idea […]

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Starve the beast

As someone who writes about the meaning of personal freedom, I’ve so far stayed clear of political issues, preferring to focus on the power of conscious living. Despite living in Thailand most of the year and enjoying progressive Seattle in the summers, because I remain a U.S. citizen, I am still in servitude to a […]

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