Relaxed urgency

As an American with a type-A personality that can border on crusading, I have sometimes found living in Asia frustrating. 18 years in China, with its stultifying bureaucracy and a cultural aversion to decision making, taught me a lot about the power of persistence, as opposed to being forceful. In Northern Thailand, where everything seems […]

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英文 作为社交动物、人们通常对禁闭反应不良。这就是为什么禁闭成为惩戒方式的一种。 实际上对人类来讲、这却是对其不良行为的最佳节制手段。相比鞭刑、当众羞辱和上交规学习班、没有什么比被羁押的威胁更让人三思而行。你也就理解为何人们对当前在家隔离的禁令如此恐惧了。 感觉很像坐牢。

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